Announcing (VPAT) Vicom Infinity Performance Analysis Tool General Availability
Vicom Infinity is announcing the general availability of their VPAT tool. VPAT (Vicom Infinity Performance Analysis Tool) is designed to help the z/OS systems programmer perform two critical functions. These are Performance Analysis and Capacity Planning for z/OS mainframes. VPAT has been developed by Vicom Infinity and has been used in many of the studies we perform in support of our customers. With this announcement, companies can now download a free copy from the Vicom Infinity web site.
The download process requires the following steps:
- Send email to Leonard.Santalucia@convergetp.
com or [email protected] to request authorization of your organization - Click on the following link https://vpat.vicominfinity.com
- Click on the “Getting Started” button
- Register by providing your name, email address, and company name
- After you receive the access code, log in using the access code provided
- Download the Setup files needed to install VPAT
Installing VPAT will also produce a User Guide which explains all the features and how to use VPAT. The attached PDF file contains an overview of VPAT and its capabilities. If you have additional questions, send them to Leonard.Santalucia@convergetp.
NOTE: VPAT is distributed “as is” (no formal support). If you desire a formal maintenance support contract, please contact us directly using the email addresses above.