IMPACT 2024 Speaker

End-to-End Performance Monitoring to the Mth Tier (Mainframe Integrated) using End User Experience
An “end-to-end performance monitoring” view of an enterprise, is based on the “End User Perspective”, as proposed by the Apdex Alliance*. This includes the “application” perspective, and it means that “Performance Is The User Experience”.
Since the 80/20 Rules Have Flipped, there is a new approach to overall performance monitoring. The old rule said that 80% of your users are in your primary offices and that 80% of you traffic is inside your network. Therefore, if you deliver good service to the 80% you know, then you are well ahead of the game.
The new rule says that 80% of the users are outside your primary offices and that 73% of application service problems are reported by end users, not by the IT department.
This session will show the flow of data, where it gets impacted (cloud, distributed and Mainframe) and how to monitor performance from the “End User Experience” – thus avoiding silo monitoring with a “war room” type analysis.
Presented by
Thomas Halinski, Mainframe Value Manager, a Technical Services Consultant and an Assistant Project Manager, Broadcom, Inc.
Thomas Halinski has been a Mainframe Value Manager, a Technical Services Consultant and an Assistant Project Manager for Broadcom, Inc. for the past several years. He supports the Sales Team for the Mainframe Software Division’s primary solutions and plays a valuable role in promoting and deploying open source tools for the modernization of the mainframe arena. For the prior 40+ years, he has been a Business Applications Consultant for various industries performing Enterprise Application Design, program design, development, and coding. He specializes in MVS performance tuning, with an emphasis in Db2. He has written several papers, has presented them internationally and has been published in the IDUG Solutions Journal. He has held the Subject Area Chair – z/Series position for the Computer Management Group’s (CMG) National Conference for 7 years and was also an Assistant Project Manager for SHARE – EWCP for 5 years. He has received the distinction of becoming an IBM Champion for 2023.