IMPACT 2024 Speaker

Stormy Monday - Reactive and Preventive Capacity Management Processes
Monday has been a typical day where application outages occurred. Often, due to the complexity of the enterprise, Tuesday and the rest of the week were just the same! We will discuss how effective capacity management reporting is used to quickly return the business to service.
“What reporting should be reviewed and communicated in the first moments of an outage?
-What additional performance reporting is critical to resolving an incident?
-What reporting and capacity management processes contribute to improvements to the resiliency of the enterprise?
-What are some of the forecast variances that occur in predicting future capacity? Who is responsible for the resolution?
-How should capacity management reporting be effectively used in the post-mortem process?”
Presented by
Daniel Ruehl, Senior Product Implementation Specialist, 21CS
-Forty-seven years in capacity, performance, cost and operational management
-Multi-industry/platform experience including financial services, health insurance, and software
-Industry involvement in user groups Share, Guide Share Europe (GSE UK, GSE Nordic), IBM Tech Exchange, and Computer Measurement Group (CMG)
-Bicycle rider, because my knees are not what they used to be!